Home » Environmental Monitoring & Sampling » Discrete vapour gas sampling
Environmental Monitoring & Sampling
Direct-Push has re-defined how contaminated sites are assessed
We are experts at executing environmental sampling programs at complex sites. CDS has a broad base of experience, at hundreds of sites across western Canada, using direct-push tools, techniques and equipment.
Direct Push discrete vapour sampling technologies are designed to be pushed without pre-boring to collect point source soil gas samples using:
Soil gas sampling with direct push methods are commonly used with soil gas surveys for the investigation of volatile organic compounds.
The soil gas sampler is small-diameter tooling consisting of direct push extensions with expendable, retractable, or dedicated drive tips. The tooling is driven into the subsurface using direct push. When it is at the desired depth, the drive point is retracted or detached by pulling back on the tooling, exposing an inlet section with holes or a screen. The purging and sampling may begin using an AMS vacuum pump, vacuum station, or other sampling instrument.
Designed to be pushed single tube without pre-boring and collect a point source soil gas sample. The tubing and tip can be left in place for future assessment of the job site using the same sampling point.
To ensure an accurate sample from a very precise target sampling point, the horizontal soil gas sampler is your tool.
Designed to be pushed single tube without pre-boring and collect a point source soil gas sample.